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I recently purchased the Lamsa translation
I recently purchased the Lamsa translation it includes both New and Old testaments i saw something very odd with this translation Genesis 10:2 says the sons of Japheth were Gomer MONGOLIA Madai JAvan Tubal Mesech and Tiras, Genesis 10:4 then said and the sons of Javan Elishah Tarshish CHINA and Doranim. There must be some sort of mistranslation or some type of literalism because since when are China and Mongolia there? furthermore Javan and Mongolia are brother, Greece is Javan in Hebrew from what i'm told so it would strike me a little odd can anyone give me any response to this translation on why he would use China and Mongolia and not use the traditional names in that case he should have translated Javan as Greece. I would like to be corrected if I'm wrong and i say this in a very respectful manner i am not a scholar but I have one comment to make I do believe that Corinthians and Ephesians and some of the Epistles of Paul were written in Greek because he was adressing the Greek speaking Gentile world at the time sure many were Jews aswell but these were Jews from the Diaspora and these Jews probably used the Septuagint not to mention the Greek speaking Gentile converts would not be able to read or understand Aramaic, and Paul being a Roman citizen must have spoken to the Romans in Greek when he was bound. It mentions he spoke to the Judeans in Aramaic when adressing Them , so he wouldn't have adressed the Greeks when he went to Asia minor or the Romans in Aramaic, how else would the gentiles understand the word of God? Im just giving my opinion im not saying anything bad about the Peshitta only to me it seems more logical that atleast the epistles were written in Greek , as for the Gospels i could understand them being written in Aramaic with the exception of Lukes Gospel and maybe Marks because when he translates talitha kumi he writes it there and then he says what he means ... Talitha Kumi, arise little girl. why would he write that portion if everything was in Aramaic in the first place? i just have some questions i can't say im a sage in this area whatsoever im just stating what my preconceptions and would like to be corrected if otherwise proven wrong.
my name is Christian I am a Christian and im ready to listen and learn, aswell as give my points of view.

Messages In This Thread
I recently purchased the Lamsa translation - by Christian - 02-18-2004, 03:35 AM
Re: - by Larry Kelsey - 02-19-2004, 06:53 AM

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