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Help with translating the following passage please....
That translation seems quite adequate to me. Here is how this passage, Matthew 12:36 (approximately, because I'm not using vowel pointings) reads in the original Aramaic:

Amar ena lakhun gir d'cal mela b'tala d'namarun benai nashe netalun patgameh b'yoma d'dina.

Here is the Way International's translation:

"For I say to you, that [for] every idle word that men speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment."

The main thing I would change is just translate benai nashe more literally as "the sons of men". Either way is correct, just depends on if you want to translate the idiom literally or idiomatically.

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Re: Help with translating the following passage please.... - by ScorpioSniper2 - 05-26-2014, 09:03 PM

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