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Errors in the Paul Younan Interlinear?

And who taught you that? It's not right, cause it's not true.

The Son of God died...Just like the Scriptures teach. The Son of God The Father died, not The Father of Yeshua. This is the problem with this teaching that tries to negate or ignor the distiction between God the Father, and His Son Yeshua. This idea that The Father is just pretending to be His own bogus.

The Church of the East, and it's Holy Aramaic New Testament Scriptures, teach it correctly...that God is really the Father of His own Son, and His own Son is really distinct from His Father, yet united with Him in close union, but not to the point where no distinction exists. The Human body of Yeshua died on the Cross, and He shed His Holy Human blood for the redeemption of mankind from the curse of sin and death.

Yeshua suffered "apart from God" The Father, just is it reads in The Holy Aramaic New Testament Scriptures. Which is attested to by Origen about the year 230 A.D....long before (Two hundred years) there was a dispute about it in 430 A.D. And the reading is correct for "the Church of M'Shikha". We can see that the Greek versions have a variant in their Mss copies, with some having the reading "the Church of the Lord", and others reading "The Church of God". We know that it was The Lord M'shikha, who shed His Holy Human blood, which blood He got from His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, not from God, His Father.

If you think the Western Peshitto version is the true form of The Holy Aramaic New Testament Scriptures...then explain to me how The Church of the East never used it, since the 1st century, when The Apostles handed them The New Testament books, which remains unchanged in it's readings to this day?


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Re: Errors in the Paul Younan Interlinear? - by Thirdwoe - 09-19-2012, 11:12 PM

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