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Any Further Word on Mari/P.E.A.C.E. ??
Shlama Akhi Ryan,

I am so angry about it that I cannot even speak on it. To give voice to it will simply defile me but it is something I believe all of here would easily and completely reject. I will give one clue, but don't expect me to answer back directly if you guess my meaning, but I may based on your answer give you another hint. But as for being direct and plain spoken on the matter, I will only detail my outrage in Mari/PEACE. That's the only way I can vent on it. My clue is this: I've named the heresy after a powerful descendant of Cain.

Shlama w'burkate
Andrew Gabriel Rith

Messages In This Thread
Mari/P.E.A.C.E. UPDATE!! - by Andrew Gabriel Roth - 06-17-2008, 10:43 PM
The Heresy - by Andrew Gabriel Roth - 06-21-2008, 05:00 AM

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