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Heresy of Polygamy Has Infiltrated the Netzarim!
shlom lokh mshamshono Paul,

I believe that the verses that I quoted are more than ideals to live by, but rather moryo???s commandment on monogamy. When yeshu??? preached, he also chose to remind people of this godly commandment, as well as other important ones.

In regards to what we call the OT; I find the books of the OT to be very important in understanding the human relationship with moryo. It shows us both the good times and the bad times. Times where we have sinned and times where we have acted according to His commandments.

Although it is true that some of the main religious figures have acted shamefully in the past; that in no way indicates that moryo tolerated them or supported their actions (ex: altar of the Cow). What we see in the Holy Books is that even at our worst moryo gives us all hope that we can repent and lead once again an honourable life.

In the case of ya???qub, it is true that he did commit polygamy with two wives and adultery with some of the maids, and his offspring were the fathers of the twelve tribes. Even with this grave sin, moryo called to succeeding generation after succeeding generation to walk the righteous path (sabro tobo labnaynosho).
If we look at what happened after the conversion of ya???qub, when moryo changed his name from ya???qub to isroyel, we see that he repented and gave up on all his sinful ways.

In the case of malko daweed, he repented from polygamy, adultery, murder, etc??? From this we ended up with the Psalms, which are acts of repentance and lamentation at the sins he committed.

The above scenarios are repeated over an over, and shows to what extent moryo wants to save us all if we let Him in.

I will have to agree with Andrew on this one!

push bashlomo,

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Re: Heresy of Polygamy Has Infiltrated the Netzarim! - by abudar2000 - 09-04-2008, 12:21 AM

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