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Aramaic Words Translation, Mark 1
It is a very interesting (and understandably can be "touchy" to you involved) conversation to watch, because it is about _motives_ (and faith), which are key in relationships.

WHY we (or you) do what you do and why we (or you) claim what we (or you) claim. It would help to accept your position (not necessarily agree, but at least be able to say "I understand you") if I (we) knew the motives. Of course everyone is free to share them to the extent one feels comfortable.

What I have found reading Youkhanan and really, really like is the fact that this talmid states very clearly in the gospel text and also in his letter WHY he has written them (e.g. 20:31). He also shows that Yeshu'a explained why he has said and done what he has done (e.g. 10:10). Knowledge of their (good) motives gives me extraordinary peace. The same applies to other people I encounter. I trust people who can express and explain (and prove in practice) the good motives behind their acts and words. Some (immature) unfortunately don't even know themselves what their motives are, or what they want.

For me faith is about "acting out" the trust and that develops with time and experience, it is a journey (or a way) ... and I prefer not a bumpy one and not full of mistakes (to everyone though whatever they wish). There is some "first step" or "leap" (basically a decision) but mistakes are not a necessary experience for everyone for the journey, it is possible to have one with only a minimal dose, have "fun" all the way, as "those of the truth hear his voice", and if you hear it and follow why would you make mistakes? Just my humble opinion and (general) ramblings. Hopefully helpful to the reader.

So ... what is your mission ... and why ... ? <!-- sWink --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink1.gif" alt="Wink" title="Wink" /><!-- sWink --> ... not only what you do, but why ...


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Re: Aramaic Words Translation, Mark 1 - by judge - 01-22-2014, 12:47 AM
Re: Aramaic Words Translation, Mark 1 - by enarxe - 01-22-2014, 01:31 AM

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